Air Canada to Offer Refunds for All Fares for Flights Affected by COVID-19 since February 1, 2020

 MONTREAL, April 13, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - AirNorth American countrysamethat eligible customersWorld Health Organizationpurchased a non-refundableprice tagfor travel on oronceFebruaryone, 2020howeverdidn'tflywillcurrentlygeta refund from the carrier by submittingletter of invitationon-lineor with theiragent. The revised COVID-19 refund policy covers tickets and AirNorth American countryVacations packages purchased beforeAprilthirteen, 2021 for flightsoffeither by the airline or by theclientfor any reason.

"AirNorth American countryare going to beprovidingrefundsto any or alleligible customerswhether or not theyofftheirprice tagor if their flight wasoffby the airline. Customerswillcurrentlysubmit refund requestson-lineor through theiragentand that wearea unitcommitted toprocessrefunds asquickasdoable,"same Lucie Guillemette,governmentVice-President and ChiefindustrialOfficer at AirNorth American country.

"In addition, AirNorth American countryhas revised its booking policies for all future travel.beginningnowadays, in caseswherevera customer's flight isoffor rescheduled byover3hours,we are going tocurrentlysupplyall customersthe selectionof receiving a refund,associate degreeAirNorth American countryTravel Voucher or the equivalentworthin Aeroplan Points with asixty fifthbonus. This new policycangivea lot ofcertaintyand adaptability,thuscustomerswillbook their future travel withlargerconfidenceand that weanticipatetohospitableyou back on board."

In addition to theenlargedrefund policydeclarednowadays, AirNorth American countrycustomerscanstillhavethe choiceofacceptivea totallytransferrable AirNorth American countryTravel Voucher (ACTV) with noendingdate orchangingthe worthof theirprice tagto Aeroplan points with asixty fifthbonus. CustomersWorld Health Organizationhave already acceptedassociate degreeACTV or Aeroplan pointscanhavethe choiceto exchange these for a refund tothe initialsort ofpayment,as well asfor the unused portion of any ACTV issued or in caseswherevera partial refund was provided.

Since March 2020, AirNorth American countryhas refundedover$1.2 billion to customers holding refundable tickets. With today's announcement, AirNorth American countryis extending a refundchoice toall eligible customers with tickets for travel dates on oronceFebruaryone, 2020 andWorld Health
Organizationpurchased their price tag before Aprilthirteen, 2021. Refundsarea unitobtainableto those customersWorld Health Organizationse flight wasoffor who voluntarilyofftheir flight for any reason, andWorld Health Organizationwantto submitletter of invitationfor a refund to their originalsort ofpayment. Customerswillrequest a refundon-lineat computer , 2021. The policyadditionallyapplies to AirNorth American country Vacations packages.

air canada cancellation policy CustomersWorld Health Organizationengagedthrough aagencyshouldcontact their agent directly. In support of itsagencypartners, AirNorth American countryconfirmednowadaysthatit'llnot recall agency sales commissions on refunded tickets that theymethod.

New Future Travel Policy

AirNorth American countryadditionallydeclareda brand newpolicy for all tickets purchased for future travelthat'seffectivenowadays.

For new tickets purchased on oronceAprilthirteen, 2021, AirNorth American countrycangivecustomersassociate degreepossibilityfor a refund tothe initialsort ofpayment in instanceswhereverAirNorth American countrycancels their flight or reschedules thetime of departurebyover3hours,no matterthe rationale. AirNorth American countrycustomersalso willhavethe choiceofacceptiveassociate degreeACTV or Aeroplan points with asixty fifthbonus.

For customersWorld Health Organizationbuildvoluntary changes,traditionalfare rulescanapply. AirNorth American countryhasadditionallyextended its existing goodwill policyin order thatcustomerswillbuilda one-timemodificationwhile nota fee for all new or existing bookingscreatedthroughmightthirty one, 2021 for original traveltillmightthirty one, 2022.

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